Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Christmas already?!

Am I the only one who waits until the day after Thanksgiving to decorate for Christmas? I actually noticed that one of our neighbors put up a Christmas wreath yesterday while still proudly displaying their Jack-o-Lantern on their front porch and Christmas definitely threw up all over Target.

I love Christmas but I also love Thanksgiving and the idea of decorating on the Friday after some Football and a big, delicious meal.

I'm really not a scrooge, I'm just in love with tradition.

Oh well, my house is still Fall festive while everyone else's is a winter wonderland, I suppose. Meanwhile, the high tomorrow is 75, Merry Christmas!


  1. I was in Target earlier today and I was amazed at all the people stocking the shelves with Christmas items! My house will be decorated for fall until the day after Thanksgiving!

  2. There was Christmas stuff up down here BEFORE Halloween!!! LOL & although Christmas is easily one of my Top 3 Favorite Holidays (4th of July is my #1), I haven't quite broken out the Christmas decorations at my house yet. To me, there's something nostalgic about the Friday after Thanksgiving and putting up the trees and making everything feel like Christmas (even in 80* Florida weather!). For now, I'll enjoy the bird!! :P

