Friday, May 11, 2012

Happy Military Spouse Appreciation Day! Blog Hop!

Happy Military Spouse Appreciation Day! In honor of this special day for such a special group of women (and men), Ann Marie from Household 6 Diva and RC from Riding the Roller Coaster are hosting a MilSpouse BlogHop for all MilSpouses to get to know each other! I couldn't be more thrilled! If you're interested head on over! There's even an opportunity to win some really great giveaways! 

I'm Alyssa, I started my blog a little less than a year ago and has been a little bit of an adjustment trying to find my "niche." That said, I think I'm getting there. I absolutely love "catching up" with all of my fellow milspouses via the Blogosphere! I am honored and so blessed to me surrounded my such a fabulous group of women! 


I am the proud wife to a Broadcast Journalist in the U.S. Army and we most recently relocated to Fort Drum, NY. There was a lot of uncertainty involved with getting here, but we are here and it's not so bad! I heard a lot of mixed reviews and maybe I'm just completely oblivious considering I haven't seen a winter just yet, but it really is beautiful here. My Soldier was most recently stationed at Fort Stewart, GA where we soaked up lots of sunshine and I worked for Mrs. Paula Deen herself at The Lady and Sons! Considering I grew up in Central Florida, there was not much of a culture shock when I relocated to Savannah after marrying my sweet husband in March of 2009. 


Savannah brought us many blessings, including our first home and our first child, Aydan! He is the greatest give I have ever been given and I am oh so honored to be his momma. He is now a wild and crazy 1 1/2 year-old! He is finding his voice and boy does he jabber! He is our little ray of sunshine and I'm so glad because Fort Drum sure does offer it's share of dreary days! 




I hope you will follow me as we tackle Fort Drum and find our little place in Upstate New York! I am eager to make the best of what the Army gives us and soak up my soldier and our little ray of sunshine!

Please let me know you've been by so that I can follow you back! I can't wait to see what's going on in your little piece of the blogosphere!



  1. I am visiting from the Blog-Hop. I think you are the only other Fort Drum milspouse blogger I have found. We just got here in February, and the weather has been a big adjustment for me too. Your little boy is adorable.

  2. Hey Alyssa- I've been closet-following you for a while now. Time to go public... :) We're getting ready to receive PCS orders again here pretty soon and both Stewart and Drum are on my list. What are your honest thoughts about both posts? What's lacking? What do you love? What do you hate? I'd love to get your input! <3, Allison (of Keep Calm and Soldier On)

    1. Allison, Stewart is in a junk town, so if you go there, look for a home in Richmond Hill, I think you will like that area much better as like as your soldier doesn't mind a 30 minute drive. It really is worth it though. Savannah is charming and most fall in love with the history. It's in the south, of course, so you'll get to know some good southern hospitality, if you haven't already!

      Drum is really in the middle of nowhere in relation to a big city, Syracuse is further away than Canada! Haha! But I do like it, it's really beautiful and the people are very nice for the most part. Even being kind of secluded, Drum is still close to a small mall, Target, Sams Club, all those must-haves for some (I will literally die without a Target nearby.) The post itself, has Stewart beat by a long shot. Stewart is very crowded and "commercial" whereas Drum is spread out and a little more calm.

      Good luck! I can't wait to see where y'all PCS to!


  3. We just left Fort Drum last month! Everybody told me I wouldn't like it but I did! They all complained about nothing to do,but I think there are if you make an effort to find things! You should visit Alexandria Bay and Sacketts Harbor if you can. Both are very pretty in the spring and summer!

  4. Wow! We were at Ft. Drum for too long [as I like to say]. J was there for 14 years and I was there for 6. We got orders for Ft. Hood, TX in Jan 09'. There is actually a lot to do up there, try out Alex Bay during the summer, it's beautiful. Brace yourselves for the 9 out 12 month winters.

  5. Stopping by from the blog hop. Your little guy looks like such a sweetheart! :)

    Happy Milspouse Appreciation Day!!

  6. Your son is beautiful!!

    Super jealous about your time at The Lady and Sons. How fun!!

  7. Hi Alyssa!

    I'm visiting from the MilSpouse Blog Hop! Happy Military Spouse Appreciation Day to you!

    My sister, brother-in-law, and niece are currently stationed at Fort Stewart and they are absolutely loving it.. I really need to introduce her to the blogging world!

    Your son is super duper adorable!

    It's so nice to meet you!

  8. What a cutie :) I am loving seeing all the family pics today!

    Happy MilSpouse Appreciation Day!

  9. Really enjoyed your post! :)

  10. Just found you from the bloghop! Your son is super adorable. Enjoy Fort Drum, we will be up at West Point in about 2 years and I'm not looking forward to the winters already (and THATS coming from Colorado!)

  11. Our sons are the same age- so cute! They do tend to jabber on at this age, huh? But not much that actually makes sense. I'm preparing myself for the day he looks at me and says, "Oh Mother, thank you so much for the milk and crackers. You're the best. I just pooped. I love you." But I guess I have better chances of seeing pigs fly, huh? ;)

    Hope you enjoy Drum. Gotta admit that I'm jealous. I'm currently sweating. And hating it. lol

    Happy Milspouse Appreciation Day!

  12. Your kid is precious! We were at Benning for awhile but we'd visit Savannah a lot and dream about being relocated to Ft. Stewart. I'm stopping by from the blog hop. Happy Day to you!

  13. Happy MilSpouse Appreciation Day! I am stopping by from the blog hop! Your little one is absolutely precious, I look forward to following your blog. :) -Jen @The Adventures of Our Army Life.

  14. Happy Mothers Day weekend! I'm so jealous that you worked with Paula Dean!

  15. Hi I'm stopping in from the blog hop. Hope you guys are enjoying the new location. While I didn't grow up in FL, my husband was stationed at Ft. Stewart when I met him while I lived in Orlando. The month after we got married I moved up there and we lived in Savannah for a few months before moving to Germany.

  16. Oh your little boy is TOO CUTE!! :) I hope you had a lovely MilSpouse & Mother's Day!! :)

  17. Love the pictures of your baby boy- he is adorable. We moved from the South when my hubby was active duty Air Force to New Jersey- not as far north as you are by any means. It was an adjustment, but we loved it. Then we moved to TX... too hot and didn't love it entirely but we managed just fine. Now we're in Wisconsin and winters are cold and snowy but we melded right in. I think the military teaches us to make the best of every place we go.

    Looking forward to reading more...

    Nice to meet you through the Military Spouse Appreciation blog hop! I'm now following you. I hope you can visit my blog when you get a chance:

    Please stop by to check out my Weekend Blog Walk. I also co-host a Mom's Monday Mingle and Favorite Product Friday.

  18. Nice to meet you! Ft. Drum was my husband's first duty station, way before I met him.

  19. We miss Ft. Drum so bad. We lived in Sackets Harbor, which is one of the most special places in the world. We have since been stationed in Raleigh, NC and now Ft. Sill, OK but we hope to go back to the great white north someday!


  20. Thank you so much for joining in on the blog hop! And sorry it took me so long to come and visit. It was great reading your party post and getting to know you a little more. :) Love your pictures! Hope you had fun visiting the other ladies on the list and that you had a fabulous Mil Spouse Appreciation Day!!!

    Roller Coaster

  21. Hi! I am a little late from the BlogHop but I wanted to say that you have a beautiful family! Your little man is sooo cute!!! It was nice to meet you! Happy belated military spouse appreciation day and Mother's Day!!!! Amanda
