Monday, August 29, 2011

A bottle of Clorox and a fat lip later...

Yep, after a bottle of Clorox, I'm pretty sure my bathrooms are clean. I was disgusted with the condition my house was left in. I would never dream of leaving someone's house like that, family or not.

Oh, the fat lip. Ha! Recently, I ditched the Swiffer WetJet, I never thought I'd see the day but I was honestly spending so much money on pads and refils, it was getting a bit ridiculous. I opted for a more economically and environmentally friendly option. I got the Ocedar ProMist and I really love it. However, I haven't quite mastered getting the tank out to refil it with water and cleaning solution. Needless to say, I yanked it out and basically punched myself in the lip.

I couldn't care less about the fat lip, my house is clean and I feel somewhat normal again.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

And a house full of vomit...

Yesterday, I worked my normal 15 hour shift. I never mind it much considering I only work twice a week. Today has been much more stressful that any 15 hour shift in the recent past.

We were supposed to go to a cancer benefit today that was very near and dear to my heart. However, I ended up feeling rather pukey and just blah. Bryan came home from working feeling the same way. Before I knew it, my mother, who is visiting with my teenage brother, and Bryan were also sick. I had vomit in the office, on the carpet, of course. Vomit in the hallway and on the wood floors. Needless to say, my house is a biohazard and all I want to do is cuss at the top of my lungs. I started out as the sick one and before I knew it, I'm cleaning up everyone's nasty sickness. Horrible thing to say, right? I feel like I need to go sanitize my house before my son wakes up in the morning expecting to crawl all over his now disgusting territory. Yet I feel awful for feeling this way. I love my family, but the fact that there are so many sick people in my house right now is really getting to me.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 6 - A song that reminds you of somewhere

Obviously the 30 day song challenge is going to take me a year to finish, but I am determined to finish it!

I heart Chicago! Bryan and I went to Chicago last summer shortly after finding out Aydan would be a boy. While we were there we saw Blue Man Group, it was amazing and the music always takes me back to that awesome show in a very cool city. Chicago is just fresh and vibrant and everyone is so active and in shape. I definitely look forward to going back one day.

Monday, August 8, 2011

And we're back...

After a successful Florida trip followed by a very busy weekend filled with family reunions and beach trips, we are home and back in action! We had a great time visiting with family and friends and as my one of my new favorite friends, Nicole and I were talking about, the sun really does shine a little brighter in the sunshine state. You really never know what you have until it's gone, I miss my home terribly. I was very lucky to grow up in such a gorgeous state, go to amazing public schools (Go Titans!) and have the beach and Disney World at my disposal. That said, it really is good to be home and settling back into our routine. One day, my heart will wander back to Florida, one day.

We got back Friday night and Aydan went straight to bed, the little booger has decided that sleeping anywhere but his crib is just not acceptable, so we were rather exhausted. First thing Saturday morning we headed to Augusta for Bryan's family reunion and then straight to Hilton Head from there for a night at the beach. Whew! We had a great time but I'm glad it's over.

Bryan is back to work after some time off and I'm hoping we have some answers on all this reenlistment and PCS crap soon. One of my dearest friends is PCS'ing this month and this will be my first time saying goodbye to such a good Army family. I guess I've escaped it long enough. She has been such a dear friend, definitely the type of person that would do anything for you, even at 2 AM. It will be hard to say goodbye but I know that we will stay in touch.

Speaking of staying in touch, a few weeks ago I had a table at work that was made up of 4 women in their mid-thirties. They had been friends for 10 years, before they ever had kids, husbands and mortgage payments. One of them had kicked breast cancers butt by the time she was 31 and another had miscarriage that resulted in a D and C  gone wrong thus resulting in a total bowel reconstruction. They had been through so much together and distance was never going to keep them apart. It was heartwarming and I take comfort in knowing that I have friends that I know for a fact will be sitting at a dinner table with me, somewhere in this crazy world 10 years from know and for that reason, saying "see ya later" to such a sweet friend is a little bit easier. Oh and did I mention that these ladies wore their scars with bride?! Flaunt your battle scars, girls, they make you stronger, only you can make yourself weak.

So, I'm back and unfortunately, life and laundry followed me here. However, I'm so happy to have my little family back together and hopefully looking forward to some good news! Fingers crossed for orders to Fort Campbell SOON!