Friday, November 11, 2011

What I am Thankful For - Days 8,9,10 & 11

Day 8: I am thankful for Sesame Street, it is the only show that Aydan really seems to enjoy and that's fine by me. I've never really wanted him to be into TV but once I really took the time to watch Sesame Street, I was hooked! How can you resist sweet Elmo's face?! It seems to be one of the rare shows that really is educational and fun.

Day 9: I'm thankful for coupons, I've used them before but I've been trying very hard to really use them a lot more. I love watching my total drop down at the register.

Day 10: I am thankful for, their collection of Christmas cards this year is making my decision so hard but I am loving all the different styles. I think our Christmas card will definitely be making a statement this year!

Day 11: I am thankful for veterans, both of my Grandfather's and two of my uncles served this country proudly and I am so honored to have them in my life. And of course, my amazing husband and all of his colleagues who have made sacrifices so that they, too could be a part of our wonderful Armed Forces. I am so grateful for this day to honor these amazing men and woman. Thanks will never be enough.

And with my love of coupons and Elmo, I think I will be adding "Let's Rock! Elmo" to aydan's Christmas list and using my $5 off coupon at the register!


Monday, November 7, 2011

St. Jude and Target: Two of my Favorite Things

I have not jumped on the Christmas bandwagon yet, I promise, but I have made note of a little something that I will most definitely be adding to my holiday decor. I love Target and I love their little mascot, "Bullseye." I also have a very special place in my heart for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and the care that they provide to the little people that need it most. 


This little cutie will be the first thing displayed in my home after the turkey leftovers have been put away. He is just about as cute as they come and 100% of the profits will benefit St. Jude's. The cause warms my heart and the store makes me happy, now that is most definitely a win. 

What I am Thankful For - Days 5,6,7

I've fallen a bit behind on actually posting, but I have been counting my blessings, for sure.

Day 5: I am thankful for my husband. Throughout everything, he's been there for me. He dried my tears when I experienced my first loss, held my hand when I was scared and he truly is my best friend, no one else can make me laugh like that man, I have a blast with him. We have learned so much together and throughout all the up's and downs that are life, there is no one else I'd rather have by my side.

Day 6: I am thankful for the Rock and Roll marathon, I was very lucky to meet some awesome runners from all over the country at work this weekend. Not only did they kick some serious runner's ass, but they were so kind and so gracious towards the citizens of Savannah, it was very sweet. The extra 23,000 visitors also helped my wallet!

Day 7: I am thankful for Fall. While everyone jumps the gun on Winter/Christmas, I am thoroughly enjoying my last Savannah Fall. The weather is cooler and let me just tell you, Aydan looks awesome in some blue jeans! I love Thanksgiving and I'm very excited to see how Aydan likes our Thanksgiving feast!

Friday, November 4, 2011

What I am Thankful For - Day 4

Day 4:

I am thankful for my Roomba. This thing is intense, a little robot that travels around my living area and sweeps up little toddler messes?!? Yes, please!

Aydan seriously hides crumbs somewhere in his body and then creates a trail of them around my house. Well, Roomba to the rescue. We make a great team; Roomba sweeps up the mess while I do the dishes, prep for dinner or sit on my rear and I go behind him with the mop after he's finished. :)

Thank you, little Roomba.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

What I am Thankful For - Day 3

Day 3:

I am thankful to be the momma of the most beautiful, sweet, cuddly, vivacious little boy I've ever met. He is easy-going, he smiles constantly and his giggle is contagious. There's not a single thing I would ever change about him, I literally love every minute and every up and down with him.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What I am Thankful For - Day 2

Day 2:

I am thankful for my job, I want to rip my hair sometimes, but seriously, where else could someone work one day a week and make sufficient income to spend every other single day with her family?

Not to mention, for the first time in almost three years, I finally met the "boss lady," Mrs. Paula Deen. :) I didn't expect to be so starstruck. ;)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Christmas already?!

Am I the only one who waits until the day after Thanksgiving to decorate for Christmas? I actually noticed that one of our neighbors put up a Christmas wreath yesterday while still proudly displaying their Jack-o-Lantern on their front porch and Christmas definitely threw up all over Target.

I love Christmas but I also love Thanksgiving and the idea of decorating on the Friday after some Football and a big, delicious meal.

I'm really not a scrooge, I'm just in love with tradition.

Oh well, my house is still Fall festive while everyone else's is a winter wonderland, I suppose. Meanwhile, the high tomorrow is 75, Merry Christmas!

What I am Thankful For - Day 1

I have decided to jump on the bandwagon. From now until Thanksgiving, I will be posting what I am thankful for.

Day 1:

I am thankful for my home. I have a beautiful house that my husband and I have made into a home and for that I am so grateful.